- Seedlings should be packed and shipped in wet moss or other medium, kept cool (less than 35° F) and kept moist through the planting process. Exposure to sun and wind can kill a seedling in less than 30 seconds.
- Plant seedlings as soon as possible after they are received, keeping roots moist throughout the planting process.
- If storage is necessary, store seedlings in a cool, moist, shaded location, no longer than 7 days. If longer - refrigerate. Do not stack bundles for a prolonged period of time.
- If planting is delayed longer than 7 days after receipt of the seedlings, heel the seedlings in a shaded area and keep them moist, or refrigerate.
- To heel in seedlings, dig a trench in the soil, place the seedlings in the trench and cover the roots with soil.
- Avoid dipping roots into water as moisture retaining particles will be washed off. Mist seedlings to keep them moist or use Terra-Sorb.
- Water absorbent/retention dip, Terra-Sorb may help conserve moisture on seedling roots in dry weather and during the planting process.