Programs (click titles for additional information)
MAEAP ProgramThe Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) is an innovative, proactive program that helps farms of all sizes and all commodities and forest landowners voluntarily prevent or minimize agricultural pollution risks. MAEAP‘s mission is to develop and implement a proactive environmental assurance program ensuring that Michigan farmers and forest landowners are engaging in cost-effective pollution prevention practices and working to comply with state and federal environmental regulations.
Conservation Technical Assistance Initiative SpecialistThe local NRCS District Conservationist and the Delta Conservation District provides a delivery system for the Farm Bill technical assistance and cost-share programs that help get conservation practices on the ground in our local area. These programs include the Environmental Quality Incentives, Wildlife Habitat Improvement, and Wetland Reserve Programs, a broad assortment of contracting and on-site technical assistance, GPS/GIS use for land mapping, conservation plan development, implementation and maintenance, and construction inspection.
Forestry Assistance Program (FAP)The Forestry Assistance Program works to provide an initial professional contact with landowners who are interested in Natural Resource Management and Environmental issues on their properties. Another important goal of the program is to refer jobs/projects to private sector businesses (consultants, timber producers, engineers, construction contractors, surveyors, et cetera).
Delta County Phragmites Eradication ProjectPhragmites australis (pronounced Frag-MY-Teez) is a non-native invasive plant which has infested the Lake Michigan shoreline in Delta County in many places, replacing the native vegetation that native insects and animals depend on for food and habitat.
The Delta Conservation District has organized the Delta Conservation District BAY WATCH GROUP to watch the shores and ditches of Delta County to help us compile location points for new growth. |